Film Crew JNL
It's not a new idea, but it's always a fun one... a typeface comprised of 35mm film frames. Film Crew JNL is Jeff Levine's version, utilizing his Koehler Sans JNL…
It's not a new idea, but it's always a fun one... a typeface comprised of 35mm film frames. Film Crew JNL is Jeff Levine's version, utilizing his Koehler Sans JNL…
Film Noir JNL is a classic Art Deco Alphabet from the brush of the late master sign painter Alf R. Becker, and appeared in Signs of the Times Magazine. Thanks…
Feltboard JNL was drawn from images of letters and numbers contained in a felt board (also known as a flannel board) sign kit from the 1940s or 1950s. The irregularity…
The inspiration for Fence Post JNL comes out of an early 1900s manual for sign writing. A number of changes were made to make the design more aesthetically pleasing, but…
A "thick and thin" line weight treatment is given to Jeff Levine's Hash and Beans JNL, providing a whole new take on the design - first inspired by a sign…
Favorite Stencil JNL is inspired by and modeled after the classic hot metal typeface "Ludlow Stencil"; a design that enjoyed popularity around the 1950s and is not to be confused…
Federal Case JNL is a stencil version of Government Issue JNL... adding the feel of industrial, military or high-level government espionage... From the lettering on a shipping crate to the…
Since the 1800s, many patents were issued for methods to hold papers together. The two most popular and enduring tools still in use today are the stapler and the paper…
"Faux" is false or phony in French and Decaux is a spoof spelling of Deco, thus "False Deco". Faux Decaux JNL will still fit your Art Deco revival project and…
The lettering found on an 1878 Salt Lake City advertisement for the Forepaugh’s Circus inspired Faux Pas JNL, which is a bit of a pun on the circus’ name and…