
The original idea for Alda came from exploring an alternative approach to generating different typeface weights by adapting the characteristics of physical objects. I was interested to find out how…

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Backspacer font


Years ago, by happenstance, designers Nancy Mazzei and Brian Kelly found an old decrepit typewriter in an abandoned lot with tall grass in Brooklyn. They kept it around their apartment…

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Base 9 and 12 font Cardea font


The Cardea family of typefaces is the outcome of David Cabianca’s 2003–04 MA Typeface Design experience at the University of Reading. With Cardea, Cabianca intended to mix classical and modern…

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Cholla font


The Cholla typeface family was designed by Sibylle Hagmann in 1998-99 and named after a species of cactus she encountered in the Mojave Desert. Cholla was originally developed for the…

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Dalliance font


Dalliance Script is based on the elegant handwriting found on a map of a horrific battle between the Habsburg Coalition and France which took place at Ostrach, in southwest Germany,…

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Fairplex font


Zuzana Licko's goal for Fairplex was to create a text face which would achieve legibility by avoiding contrast, especially in the Book weight. As a result of its low contrast,…

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Filosofia font


The Filosofia Regular family is designed for text applications. It is somewhat rugged with reduced contrast to withstand the reduction to text sizes. The Filosofia Grand family is intended for…

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Lo-Res font


The Lo-Res family of fonts is a synthesis of pixelated designs, including Emigre's earlier coarse resolution fonts, as well as bitmap representations of Base 9. It replaces the preexisting Emigre,…

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Malaga font


Why do we need another typeface? This is a prickly question often asked of typeface designers. Depending on who you ask, the answer in simplified form is usually one of…

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