Albiona Inked

Albiona Inked is a vintage distressed version of Albiona that evokes the urgency of teletext printers, typewriter ribbons and authentic hot-metal type on rougher paper. A contemporary slab-serif, it revisits…

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Albiona Soft font

Albiona Soft

A rounded version of Albiona, a contemporary slab-serif which revisits aspects of Robert Besley’s classic Clarendon. Originally named after the Clarendon Press in Oxford, the type family was subsequently extended…

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Argent font


An elegant sans with a low lower-case x-height, diamond-shaped dots and a reweighed complimentary italic with subtle calligraphic touches. With its generous spacing and leading, Argent is very readable in…

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Armstrong font


An elegant geometric linking script that uses OpenType programming to intelligently substitute "beginning" and "ending" characters with uniquely designed variants. The family also includes swash alternates that can be toggled…

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Autospec font


Designed as a companion to Autofont, this dingbat set was originally developed for What Car? magazine, the UK’s leading automotive consumer title. Use in charts and reviews to indicate metallic…

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Battery Park font Box Office font

Box Office

Designed originally for the BBC's listings magazine "Radio Times", this dingbat font has been extended to include the US rating as well as the UK ones and a selection of…

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Broadside font


Broadside is a versatile, authoritative and functional family inspired by the sans serifs seen on ’40s and ’50s patriotic posters and period advertising. It is available in seven weights across…

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Bubblegum Pop font Cadogan font


A freeform linking script that uses OpenType programming to replace beginning and ending characters with uniquely designed variants. Also includes ligatures and an extended t-bar carefully designed to not collide…

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