White Magick Symbols font Yenda font


Yenda is a bold angular font with just a bit of swoosh. Great for short text and headlines! Don't leave this one out of your next sci-fi or bold designs!…

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Karika Hearts font Karika Hypnotica font Karika Swirls font Karika Encore font

Karika Encore

Karika Encore is the 3rd volume in the Karika series of swirly circular symbols. The 52 original designs feature floral and musical motifs in circular symmatrical forms. A splendid addition…

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Holiday Penguins font Fontazia Y3K font

Fontazia Y3K

Invite all your weird and wonderful friends to your next party! Fontazia Y3K is a unique typeface featuring 72 hand-drawn futuristic creatures! Whether you're looking for humanoids, alienoids, androids or…

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FontaziaPapilio font