Lipstick font


The idea for Lipstick came from a snippy little note Patrick Griffin’s better half left for him one night. The note was tacked to the bedroom door. “COUCH TONIGHT!” it…

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Lorenzo font


The lifetime of Lorenzo de Medici (1449-1492) coincides with the rise of metal type as it displaced broad pen calligraphy for the production of books. This revolution marked the end…

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Lotto font


Designed by expert ad artist Herbert Thannhaeuser for East German foundry Typoart in 1955, Lotto was until now one of the long lost gems of European sign and brush lettering…

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Louis font


Louis is a faithful digital rendition and expansion of a design called Fanfare, originally drawn by Louis Oppenheim in 1927. Redrawn digitally by Rod MacDonald, and engineered in-house by Canada…

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Loxley font


Drawn shortly before Jim Rimmer's passing in 2010, Loxley was designed to be used in a fine press edition of the folklore story of Robin Hood. It was named after…

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Luminari font


Philip Bouwsma returns with yet another great manifestation of historical calligraphy. Luminari is an amalgam of High Middle Ages writing, a blend that combines the ornate Church hands with the…

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Lyra font


Lyra is an Italian Renaissance script that might have developed if metal type had not broken the evolution of broad pen calligraphy. It lies in the area between the humanist…

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Maestro font


Out of a lifelong inner struggle, Philip Bouwsma unleashes a masterpiece that reconciles classic calligraphy with type in a way never before attempted. Maestro takes its cue from the Italian…

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Martie font


From the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains, by way of Toronto, comes Martie's handwriting. Martie Byrd is a school teacher in Roanoke, Virginia, and a friend of Canada Type's…

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