Kloi BT font

Kloi BT

Boris Mahovac has adapted a friend’s handwriting in this new font called Kloi (pronounced Chlo – ee). It has a very casual feel and includes alternative swash glyphs of some…

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Kooky BT font

Kooky BT

Allen Zuk has designed this wacky typeface that he calls KOOKY. Each character has three variants that bounce about the baseline. The effect is a randomly casual appearance that is…

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Latin Extra Condensed font Letter Gothic 12 Pitch font Liberty font Libra font Life font


Designed by Francesco Simoncini and W. Bilz, this design follows Times New Roman in structure, but differs in some details. Unlike Times New Roman, the boldface is a weighted version…

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Lindisfarne Nova BT font Lucia font


A light roundhand with mildly clubbed terminals on the capitals. It was expertly transferred from an engravers’ pattern plate to the Fotosetter Intertype about 1955.

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