
Actio is unicase serif typeface with spurs on lowercase characters. Actio slightly inspired by Bodoni style fonts. Actio have numerous alternatives, some decorative elements and 4 Stylistic Sets for characters…

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Agio font


  • Post author:Gaslightstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Agio - a heavy contrast style font with cuts on the top of the some glyphs and spurs on top left corner of every glyphs. Also Agio has some decorative…

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Barrez font Brut font BullyGirl font


BullyGirl is a two weight irregular and rollicking font. It have 3 stylistic sets for upper and lower characters for immitation of handmade typesetting. If its not enought, you can…

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Dotee font


  • Post author:Gaslightstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Dotee inspirit by lettering from soviet book. Dotee is fat decorative font with numerous cut style ligatures and alternatives.

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Gen font


Gen (erator) is inspirited by lettering from the soviet era: sometimes brute, sometimes contrastful, but frequently with its own nature. Gen is a simple, contrastful, wide sanserif with numerous alternatives…

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Marshrut font


  • Post author:Gaslightstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Another stencil font? Oh, yes. Circular trip time of bus number 17 is so long and designer has one relaxation: look over the letters in the bus. So many tables…

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Maza font Misty font


  • Post author:Gaslightstaff
  • Post category:serif

Misty - a two weight wild west style serif with numerous alternatives, swashes and irregular alternatives for numerous characters in SC style. Interchanging regular characters with alternatives and vice versa,…

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