Hit font Heroid font


Heroid proudly flexes its letterforms in regular and bold. Endowed with a selection of alternate caps, this is one super typeface strong enough to punch its way through a steel…

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Hemi Head font

Hemi Head

  • Post author:Typodermicstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Hemi-Head is a square, industrial typeface reminiscent of the 1960's Dodge muscle car insignia. It's available in 8 weights with italics.

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Hedgerow font


Hedgerow is calligraphic lettering with an Art Nouveau tone. Provoked by the liner notes of Led Zeppelin IV, Hedgerow imbues words with a mystical, bewitching voice. In OpenType savvy applications,…

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Headlight font


Headlight is an atypical sans-serif typeface. A curious mix of oval-nib garnishes and mechanized squareness gives Headlight a idiosyncratic ambience. It's available in 5 weights and italics. Numerals come in…

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Hayate font


Hayate (ha-ya-teh) is a rugged small-cap typeface, designed to resembled cut bamboo. A capricious nod to the mid-twentieth century American pseudo-Asian restaurant aesthetic.

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Hackensack font Hachimitsu font Gymkhana font


Gymkhana is an elementary sans-serif typeface available in 6 weights and italics. With its large x-height and liberal width, Gymkhana is easy-to-read on any screen size. In OpenType savvy applications,…

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