
Mirabel is based on the handwriting of Beverly Bouwsma (Philip's mother), which she developed in the 1930s in, as she puts it, an act of teenage rebellion. In the 1960s,…

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Styx font


Philip Bouwsma makes use of his extensive calligraphy and type design experience by reaching into his vault and completing one of his unfinished projects from the mid-1990s. The result is…

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Symposium Pro font Testament font


From the standpoint of calligraphy, a font family of capitals and uncials makes perfect sense. The Roman square capitals, the quadrata, are matched by round capitals of older Greek origin;…

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Torquemada font Tupelo font


Philip Bouwsma’s offbeat mind, always working in mysterious ways, brings us one of the unlikeliest syntheses of historical influences in a perfectly fluid, organic, and highly expressive connected script. Tupelo…

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Alligators font Aqua Life font Clemente Rotunda font Makondo font