Futura Text EF Pro font Futura PT font

Futura PT

Futura was designed for Bauer company in 1927 by Paul Renner. This is a sans serif face based on geometrical shapes, representative of the aesthetics of the Bauhaus school of…

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Futura font


Futura is the fully developed prototype of the twentieth century Geometric Sanserif. The form is ancient, Greek capitals being inscribed by the Cretans twenty-five hundred years ago at the time…

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Futura Black font Neue Plak font

Neue Plak

  • Post author:Monotypestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Originally designed in 1928, Plak is something of a lost gem in the type world. Despite being drawn by Futura creator Paul Renner, it never achieved the same popularity and…

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