Pixelar font Ordax font


Ordax is a condensed display sans-serif type family. Simple, clean and modern, it was designed to assert reliability and gravitas to the content. It is particularly suitable for projects that…

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Oboe font


Oboe font family has been designed for Graviton Font Foundry by Pablo Balcells in 2012. It is display typeface with a geometric rounded look. Oboe consists of 6 styles, 2…

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Nebulosa font


Nebulosa font family has been designed for Graviton Font Foundry by Pablo Balcells in 2020. It is a futuristic, slightly extended sans serif typeface with semi rounded endings that provide…

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Necia font


Necia font family has been designed for Graviton Font Foundry by Pablo Balcells in 2014. It is a modular, geometric and slightly condensed typeface which has been conceived to be…

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Necia Stencil font Naftera font


Naftera font family has been designed for Graviton Font Foundry by Pablo Balcells in 2019. It is a mechanical, geometric sans serif typeface with display swashed characters and soft rounded…

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Mensura Slab font Mensura font


Mensura font family has been designed for Graviton Font Foundry by Pablo Balcells in 2012. It is a modular, geometric typeface with subtle rounded angles that provides a soft, pleasent…

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