Cover Sans

Cover Sans is a humanist geometric typeface with an orthogonal structure, which provides stability when composing a text. Open shapes and low x-height give this font balance and makes it…

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Decour font


Decour is a Slab Serif typeface that features low contrast between thick and thin strokes and whose proportions were based on those of Art Deco design. A big height difference…

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Decour Soft font Lumiere font


The main source of inspiration for this project was Herb Lubalin's Serif Gothic font. This and other fonts of similar style provided the basis for developing a unique display typeface…

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Queulat font


Queulat is a hybrid typeface that combines two different styles, reflecting charm, freshness and, especially, a strong personality. The font is inspired by Modern and Grotesk styles. The former is…

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Queulat Condensed font Queulat Soft font Recoleta font


Just like Grandma’s recipe, Recoleta combines a variety of ingredients—from various popular 1970s typefaces—such as the soft and gentle shapes found in Cooper or the fluid, angled strokes in Windsor—…

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Taberna font


Taberna is a type system that provides a wide range of choices for any design project. The typeface comes in Sans and Serif layered versions plus a monolinear Script font.…

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