Note: Only the regular style in this font family is currently available due the complexity and the resulting memory and performance issues associated with the other styles.
Note: Only the regular style in this font family is currently available due the complexity and the resulting memory and performance issues associated with the other styles.
Highly intricate ornaments inspired from the work of Johann Georg Schwandner (1716- 1791). Complete your collection with Schwandner Versalia and Schwandner Ornaments.
A highly intrincated set of ornaments inspired from the work of Johann Georg Schwandner (1716-1791). An accurate historical revival and interpretation of Iza W, at Intellecta Design. State-of-art to use…
A highly intrincated decorative capital from the work of Johann Georg Schwandner (1716-1791). An accurate historical revival and interpretation of Iza W, at Intellecta Design. State-of-art to use in headings,…
John Seddon (1644-1700), was a famous English writing master, the leading calligrapher of his time, and master of Sir John Johnson’s Free Writing School in Priest’s Court, Foster Lane. His…
Note: Only the regular style in this font family is longer available due the complexity and the resulting memory and performance issues associated with the other styles.
A decorative display font great for large header-like usage. Available design only with versals caps.
Smith-Premier Typewriter is a typewriter font design, great for mimicking the sloppy ink effect of older machines.
Southern colonialist is a new slab typeface from Intellecta, based on ancient advertisements from the Wild West of America Good for titling and display usage; in many styles.
Supermarket was inspired by a particular naïf Brazilian hand-lettering alphabet used in commercial advertising posters (promotions, offers, discount price, etc) used in some supermarkets at Recife, Brazil.