Quincy font


»QUINCY« started as an art project. I was stitching roughly cutout letters together on a piece of wooden board, but I didn’t like the result! So I ended up with…

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Red Tape font

Red Tape

Red Tape is three fonts that were designed by sticking letters together with red tape. It makes for a wonderful makeshift set of fonts. And I really enjoyed sticking those…

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Red Tape Plus font Renais font Revolte font


Whenever I see clippings on TV of demonstrations, protesting against this or that, with people holding up signs, I am surprised about the signs being professionally printed or plotted in…

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Rotor font


Rotor is a speedy font. In 1929 K. Sommer designed a typeface for Linotype called "Vulcan". Some years later they republished the typeface and called it Dynamo. The early Vulcan…

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Royal Bavarian font Royal Blossom font

Royal Blossom

Royal Blossom belongs to my extended family of blackletter fonts that are derived from the famous Royal Bavarian Fraktur. Ayres Royal and Monkeytails also belong to this elaborate set of…

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Royal Classic Bold font