Lumberjacky font Lumier font


  • Post author:Tour De Forcestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Inspired by art deco posters from the period between WWI and WWII, Lumier comes in 3 weights with the proportions of a modern sans families.

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Lumier Rounded font Lumier Texture font

Lumier Texture

  • Post author:Tour De Forcestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Lumier Texture is font family targeting designers who work with packages, labels, posters - who are looking for characteristic and striking letters. It's textured version of Lumier font family and…

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Lasta font


Lasta is small serif font family with simple elegant shapes, refreshing Italics and poetic endings. Containing 2 weights and 2 italics, with lower x-height which brings more air (empty space,…

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Landsick font Kamenica font


“Kamenica” - named after a beautiful small mountain river in Serbia - is a font family containing 3 weights: Light, Regular and Bold. The Kamenica river is only a few…

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Kamenica Texture font Horrorama font