
  • Post author:T4staff
  • Post category:sans-serif

Pelegotic makes you think of Scandinavian pioneer design, with its functional letterforms and architectural look. It is also a very versatile typeface, and fits easily as headline type for a…

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Picadyll font


  • Post author:T4staff
  • Post category:decorative

Picadyll is a sanserif that flirts with the 1920s Art Deco tradition but adds a modern touch. The sober letter design brings old movie posters and packaging to mind. Picadyll…

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Sergel font


  • Post author:T4staff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Tobias Sergel was the greatest Swedish sculptor and draughtsman of the 18th century. The typeface that carries his name has a sculptural quality, with the white line decorating the stems…

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Tyma Garamont font

Tyma Garamont

  • Post author:T4staff
  • Post category:garalde

The TYMA Garamont Roman was inspired by the Berner-Egenolff type sample from the 1560s. The Italic was inspired by a sample from Robert Granjon, also from the 1560s. The name…

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Magellan font Boscribe font Bosis font Brigida font Buccardi font Carl Beck font