Pelegotic makes you think of Scandinavian pioneer design, with its functional letterforms and architectural look. It is also a very versatile typeface, and fits easily as headline type for a…
Pelegotic makes you think of Scandinavian pioneer design, with its functional letterforms and architectural look. It is also a very versatile typeface, and fits easily as headline type for a…
Picadyll is a sanserif that flirts with the 1920s Art Deco tradition but adds a modern touch. The sober letter design brings old movie posters and packaging to mind. Picadyll…
Tobias Sergel was the greatest Swedish sculptor and draughtsman of the 18th century. The typeface that carries his name has a sculptural quality, with the white line decorating the stems…
The TYMA Garamont Roman was inspired by the Berner-Egenolff type sample from the 1560s. The Italic was inspired by a sample from Robert Granjon, also from the 1560s. The name…