Skippie font


Skippie - a typeface specially designed for children's titles - contains different weights from Thin to DemiBold, with extras, dingbats and many alternates.

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Rague Pro font

Rague Pro

  • Post author:RodrigoTypostaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Rague Pro, a sans type design, is especially created for titles that are heavy and dynamic. This typeface also contains some alternates. To make titles more entertaining, it contains shadows…

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Pintanina font


Pintanina was developed in 2013 with many alternatives of alphabets as ligatures Based on the Comics of Condorito in the headlines, a typography very condensed, in 2015 was redesigned next…

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Pintanina Pro font

Pintanina Pro

Pintanina was developed in 2013 with many alternatives of alphabets as ligatures Based on the Comics of Condorito in the headlines, a typography very condensed, in 2015 was redesigned next…

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Pequena Pro font Otrada font Minnie Play font La Pica font La Pica Pro font