
Many calligraphers agree that Roman Capitals is one of the most beautiful yet difficult hands to master. Its beauty lies in its simplicity of form and structure, yet understanding and…

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Turquoise Inline font Tubby font


Tubby came about when I made a book with Cooper Black as a headline font. I started playing with heavy forms, and as a result was Tubby. It has a…

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Troubador JNL font Trail Boss JNL font Tight Hand font That font


This is That: a family of four weights with roman and true italics, and also with chiselled medium weight, and Irregular variant for, well, variety.

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Teterboro JNL font Tenez font


Big News! Tenez has been selected for the Tipos Latinos Biennial 2016 and Typographica’s Favorite Typefaces of 2015! Tenez is a Grand Slam display didone typeface from Plau. We designed…

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Teacher JNL font