
Grace was designed by Elisabeth Megnet and appeared with Linotype in 1992. The font is a part of the package “Calligraphy for Print”, which also contains Ruling Script and Wiesbaden…

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Hakim Ghazali font

Hakim Ghazali

Hakim Ghazali, designed by Hakim Ghazali in 2005, is an Arabic typeface in the style of Maghribi and a winner in Linotype’s first Arabic Typeface Design Competition. This style, which…

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Hamada font


Hamada is a script typeface based on the powerful work of English calligrapher Gaynor Goffe. Hamada captures looseness and charming irregularities of the pen on the page, allowing ink to…

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Hollander font


Hollander is a refined, yet sturdy text typeface designed by Gerard Unger. The name stems from the font’s similarity to the types attributed to van Dijk and Voskens, two Dutch…

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Kalligraphia font Kuenstler Script font Lake Informal font Linoscript font


Linoscript was designed by Morris Fuller Benton in 1905 and released by American Type Founders as Typo Upright; when it was integrated into the Linotype technology in 1926, it was…

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Linotype Agogo font

Linotype Agogo

Linotype Agogo is part of the Take Type Library, chosen from the contestants of Linotype’s International Digital Type Design Contests of 1994 and 1997. Designed by British artist Ed Bugg,…

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Linotype Atomatic font