
Trend , Trend Hand Made & Trend Rough is a font made of layers, taking as a basis a sans and a slab font. It is the result of observation,…

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Trend Hand Made font Trenda font


Designed by Daniel Hernández and Paula Nazal. Corrections and review by Alfonso García and Rodrigo Fuenzalida. Trenda is a geometric sans-serif typeface based on the uppercase of Trend—a Latinotype font,…

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Via Sans font

Via Sans

Via sans is a font inspired by classics like Steile Futura and Din 1451, with neo-humanist characteristics. It was designed as a font for fast reading from a distance, which…

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Bumper font


Bumper is the ideal ultra-black Sans Serif if you wanna make noise. The three widths could even be mixed in one single word, which creates a hand-made, edgy look. Bumper…

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Fabrikat font


Fabrikat is a type family designed by Christoph Koeberlin with creative input of Hannes von Döhren. The Sans Serif family is published by HVD Fonts and consists of seven weights…

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Clou font


Clou is a custom font which is applicable for any type of graphic design - web, print, motion graphics etc and perfect for t-shirts and other items.

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Duplex font Reader font


Reader is a custom sans font which is applicable for any type of graphic design - web, print, motion graphics etc and perfect for t-shirts and other items.

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Amsi Pro font

Amsi Pro

Amsi has been designed to equipped with three different widths; Normal, Narrow and Condensed, addition to expanding weights to support various usabilities ranging from Thin, XLight, Light, Regular, SemiBold, Bold,…

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