Bandera font


This square serif typeface is a real workhorse. It is a modern tool for text design: extremely legible and well shaped. Bandera has six weights with original italics. It catches…

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Bandera Text Cyrillic font Bandera Display Cyrillic font Bandera Cyrillic font Simpliciter Sans font TX Switch font

TX Switch

TX Switch and Switch Box are number 3 of 7 in the series asking how can personality described through handwriting be translated into typefaces? Each element of the analysis was…

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Monia font


Monia is a modern grotesque typeface family designed as a copy and display typeface. With its range of twelve weights, true italic weights, it offers a wide variety of design…

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Richmond font Azuza font


In the 1990s I drew a text face for the San Francisco Chronicle. It was based on W. A. Dwiggins’ Electra and incorporated many features of the Linotype Legibility Series:…

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