Linotype Ergo font

Linotype Ergo

Ergo is a relatively new font oriented on the form philosophy of Univers and Frutiger, namely, that a font which the eye should see as “correct” cannot be constructed. The…

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Malabar eText font

Malabar eText

A clear and enjoyable reading experience hinges on the legibility of text copy, especially when reading on screen. This is why Monotype has developed the eText collection of fonts specifically…

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Melior font


Designer Hermann Zapf set out to create a typeface that was ideally suited to newspapers and other legibility applications. Melior is that typeface, released by the Stempel foundry in 1952.…

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Memphis font


Egyptian, or slab serif, typefaces surged to popularity in the early 1800s. Memphis was the first Egyptian revival, designed by Dr. Rudolf Wolf in 1929 for the Stempel foundry. The…

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Memphis Cyrillic font Meridien font


Undertaken in 1957 for Deberny & Peignot, Adrian Frutiger’s Meridien develops the Latin form into a classical text face of brilliant texture. Effective distribution of this exceptional face has been…

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Metrolite #2 font

Metrolite #2

In 1929 Chauncey Griffith at Mergenthaler commissioned W.A. Dwiggins to design a warmer and less mechanical Geometric Sanserif to compete with Futura. Dwiggins’ best efforts proved that human warmth had…

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Monticello font


Linotype Monticello was designed by C.H. Griffith in 1946. Its design is based on James Ronaldsons Roman No.1 and Oxford Typefaces from American Type Founders and was revised by Matthew…

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Neue Frutiger Arabic font