Houschka Pro font

Houschka Pro

  • Post author:G-Typestaff
  • Post category:legible

Houschka was named after Georg Houschka, a sadly defunct confectioner’s shop in Salzburg, Austria, which had a wonderful 1930’s frontage and distinctively rounded letterforms in the sign above the door.…

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Houschka Rounded font

Houschka Rounded

  • Post author:G-Typestaff
  • Post category:legible

Houschka Rounded is the companion family to Houschka Pro, featuring CE, Baltic, Turkish & Cyrillic language support plus small caps, stylistic sets, contextual alternates, ligatures and 4 sets of numerals.…

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Houschka Rounded Alt font Houschka Alt Pro font Hilton Sans font

Hilton Sans

There is something special about thin fonts. On one side there is the sensitive, charming and warm touch, on other side they are uncompromising, thoroughgoing. Here the contrast can't hide…

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Hilton Serif font Hesster Mofet font Heltar font


A modern neo-grotesque typeface. Having grown up in Sheffield and been completely immersed in the work of The Designers Republic I became very drawn to their treatment of Helvetica, especially…

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Hello Headline font