Jargon Pro

This new OpenType pro font has 468 characters and glyphs. It is a massive redrawing of AeroScript. I have added nearly four dozen ligatures, small caps, oldstyle figures, small cap…

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Nuevo Litho font Sturdy font Bokonon font


Bokonon says this font looks like it could be used for anything from classic to grunge. It is a scripty conglomeration classic fonts and is sure to become one of…

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Cowboy Burt font Freak font


  • Post author:HiHstaff
  • Post category:decorative

Freak was originally released by The Great Western Type Foundry in 1889. According to Maurice Annenberg, Great Western became Barnhart Brothers & Spindler when the Barnhart brothers bought out the…

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Goombah font Jean Splice font Killer Ants font Okra Cubo font

Okra Cubo

OkraCubo in a distressed font with a cubist bent. This font work nicely for both grunge and modern styles. Used at large point sizes the cubist look really comes out.…

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