Umkhonto font


Umkhonto is the Zulu word for SPEAR, the traditional weapon of war that the Zulus used. The sharp points of the letters face upwards and represent the sharp points of…

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Ukraintica 4F font Typesetter Treasures JNL font Typesetter Trinkets JNL font Typewriter 1950 Tech Mono font Typewriter Serial font Typnic font


Everybody likes to have a picnic: some fresh fruits, cheese, ham, wine and so on. Like a “typographic picnic,” Typnic font system gathers many fonts with different flavors too, and…

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Type Keys font

Type Keys

Type Keys Plain and Type Keys Filled represent the keys from an antique typewriter. Because they are free, they have very limited character sets but are quite suitable to use…

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Type Toys JNL font