FG Saga

FG Saga is a gorgeous bold script, that feels strong and secure in a way. I can imagine using it for block quotes on a website.

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FG Sharon font

FG Sharon

FG Sharon is a two set font group that can be mixed to create a randomized feeling to your writings. The fonts would be perfect for a kids book, or…

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FG Smilla font FG Tindra font FG Traci font

FG Traci

FG Traci is a two font family. One thin and graceful the other bold. This font is probably hard to use for block text, but very suitable for labels greeting…

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FG Typical font

FG Typical

FG Typical is inspired by typewriting. But the letters got skewed in processing making it look a bit corny, but it looks great at small sizes as well as large.…

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Aros font


Usage recommendations: Captions, fliers, packaging, cards, posters, ads, book jackets, manuals, menus, bulletins, magazines, greetings, announcements.

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Caravan Script font Chatter font Chatter Pro font

Chatter Pro

Chatter Pro is a handwritten unconnected script face in four styles: Light, Regular, Semibold and Bold with Small-Caps. Chatter Pro is a Pro-version of my previous font 'Chatter'. A free…

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