
Electro’s neon light inspiration gives it an interesting way to draw letters. Every part of this font could be part of a circuit board, with no lines doubling over or…

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Headlined font


Reminiscent of a stencilled spray-paint message, making a stand against the world, Headlined is equally at home expressing the voices of the oppressors and the oppressed. Simple in application, this…

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Hiruko Pro font

Hiruko Pro

Charming and friendly, Hiruko Pro is a modern and legible font cleverly combining smooth lines and playful curves. It’s a complete revamp of the original 2008 Hiruko family. With its…

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Nanami font


A font inspired by the oriental flavours of Japan, Nanami a confident font with clear, clean lines which are well defined without being obtrusive. The distinctly sharp edges slice through…

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Nanami Handmade font Nanami Pro font

Nanami Pro

Nanami Pro is the heavily engineered follow up to the hugely successful Nanami and Nanami Rounded font families. Nanami Pro contains all the wonder of the original Nanami families, but…

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Nanami Rounded font Nanami Rounded Pro font Patisserie font


Patisserie is exactly the font you might expect to see on chalkboards outside Parisian cafés; tall, elegant and enticing. The lithe, thin and graceful characters of this font compliment the…

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Roka font