
The Flyer family consists of two very heavy condensed sans serif faces, Black Condensed and Extra Black Condensed. Excellent for headlines or packaging, Flyer is geometric and quite similar to…

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Birmingham New Street font Bonnington font Doge’s Banner font Doge’s Darker font Doge’s Delight font Doge’s Venezia font Classic Cool font

Classic Cool

An original calligraphic typeface blending the penmanship of French royalty with smooth, modern strokes. The result is a classical flowing design. Includes many accented characters from the Latin-1 Supplement set…

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Crumpled Parchment font Italian Gothic font

Italian Gothic

The Italian Gothic font is a full set of decorative initials inspired by 16th-century Italian Calligrapher Giovanni Battista Palatino, containing beautiful loops, flourshes, and parallel calligraphic strokes. This lovely calligraphic…

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