Safe Font

Some typefaces are more deserving of the reference "original typeface design" than are others. Such a typeface is Steve's Safefont GD. It is indeed safe to say that this design…

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Spleeny font


A gentle breeze on a warm summer's day. A cozy gathering of friends and family around a crackling fire. The sweet aroma of freshly baked cinnamon bread. A slow walk…

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Tangient font


Designed primarily for display use, Tangient is serviceable down to the larger text sizes. It presents an idiosyncratic profile, with a tight fit, clearly proportionally spaced, yet having the texture…

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Tiamaria font


In the 70's I went out with a girl whose father was a card-carrying member of 3 of the biggest unions in the printing arts. He gave me 2 things,…

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Wakefield font


A gentle breeze caressed his face as his body took on the easy posture of a dancer on break. Flickering sparklets of light sprinkled the glass-smooth surface of the aqua…

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Web-o-Mints GD font Abigail font Assembler font


Assembler is a font designed by Ethan Dunham that has a slightly bouncy, organic feel, but at the same time is mildly cold and angular. Suitable for headlines and single…

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Click Clack font

Click Clack

  • Post author:Fonthead Designstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

ClickClack is a family designed by Ethan Dunham that is made of hand-drawn typewriter letters. An actual sample of a typewriter alphabet was blown up and carefully traced into the…

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ClickBits font


ClickBits is a comprehensive set of web-related icons for online and print applications. The ClickBits system is made up of 792 icons and arrows in 11 fonts. Whether you need…

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