Joe Mad
When Joe Madureira saw the custom font we'd created for Jim Lee, he called us up immediately and uttered the immortal words... "I Want One!" We were, of course, only…
When Joe Madureira saw the custom font we'd created for Jim Lee, he called us up immediately and uttered the immortal words... "I Want One!" We were, of course, only…
Joe Canelli is a crooked cop working in a corrupt police force. Joe is haunted by nightmares of powerlessness. When his partner is brutally murdered and he's betrayed by his…
S P O I L E R A L E R T ! We don't want to be a drag, a wet blanket or a spoilsport, but we're here to…
Not all our font releases come with an emergency full stop triggered by a BIG RED BUTTON. And not all font releases come with a Caution: NEVER TOUCH THAT SWITCH!…
An AMBUSH. An ATTACK. EXPLOSIONS. We know who our friends are. We know our ENEMIES... and we know their WEAKNESSES. There WILL be be paintball blood shed. There will be…
You wanted the best and you got the best: The hottest fonts in the world jumping off the pages of the hottest comic in the world: KISS: PSYCHO CIRCUS.
Comicraft's latest joint has us swollen with pride! This one caps 'em all! Yes, it may look a little bony and stick out at right angles to our shins, but…
We're adding the unique lettering style of Ladronn, to our MASTERS OF COMIC BOOK ART line of fonts. Comicraft first created a font based on Ladronn's European style of hand…
Are you watching closely? We know what you're looking for -- the secret. Comicraft’s magic formula, our Legendary Legerdemain. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really…
Legendary Legerdemain’s lovely assistant, Leggy is just that -- she’s tall, dazzlingly attractive in her tight-fitting clothes, and has legs right up to her neck! She looks good, strikes attractive…