Bronto Burger
Eight tons of Meat-eating TYRANNOSAURUS REX vs. one Vegetarian BRONTOSAUR? CRUNCHTIME!
Bryan Talbot
The lettering style of Lancashire's finest comic book artist, graphic novelist and NEMESIS deviant Bryan Talbot is finally at your beck and call thanks to the good graces of those…
Carry On Screaming
Originally written out in his own blood by Shrill Richard Starkings, this font is NOT FOR THE NERVOUS!
Have you seen that new font from Comicraft it's lovely isn't it all soft and spongy it fair warms the cockles of me heart Mrs Robinson at number forty three…
Cheeky Monkey
Homespun by Homely Nina Green (nee Nina Sutcliffe), over 18 years ago for her old college pal, Mister Comicraft (ne Richard Starkings), CHEEKY MONKEY is a chirpy and cheerful character…
Cheese And Crackers
Gromit, you forgot the Cheese! CHEESE AND CRACKERS was created for lettering WALLACE AND GROMIT in Nickelodeon Magazine.Features:Seven fonts (Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Heavy, Heavy Italic & Melt) with…
Is that the trees rustling, or the hinges on the gate? Pull up your covers as daylight grows dim... there is indeed a chill of fear in your heart and…
Clean Cut Kid
Sharper than a disposable cardboard razor, better looking than the lovechild of Brad Pitt and George Clooney, Comicraft's Clean Cut Kid is high definition and perfectly neat and trim in…