SCR fonts are screen optimized (also called 'pixel fonts'). Unlike standard fonts (and like the few well-hinted fonts like Verdana or Arial), they give a crisp look on screen at…

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Seizieme Pro font

Seizieme Pro

  • Post author:URW Type Foundrystaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

In 1905 the Parisian typefounders Peignot & Cie. issued their Série 16. This clear roman with a large x-height and an italics soon enjoyed a great popularity. Coen Hofmann’s drawings…

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Semikolon font


SemikolonPlus: Optimal readability by reduced, distinct letter forms. Appropriate for 
early readers of any age in schools and other educational institutions. SemikolonPlus minimizes the risk of confusing similar characters and…

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Signs and Symbols font Sistina font Slope Sans font

Slope Sans

  • Post author:URW Type Foundrystaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Slope Sans is an original design that combines a technological shape model borrowed from the early Macintosh system fonts with organic, open elements looking futuristic in a retrospective manner. Designed…

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Slope Slab font

Slope Slab

  • Post author:URW Type Foundrystaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Slope Sans is an original design that combines a technological shape model borrowed from the early Macintosh system fonts with organic, open elements looking futuristic in a retrospective manner. Designed…

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Smooth Buggaloo font Styla Pro font Symmetry font