Foundry Form Serif font Foundry Gridnik font Foundry Journal font

Foundry Journal

Foundry Journal is appropriately named for its intended purpose in journals, magazines and publications, where narrow column measures require a more condensed typeface, for the most economic use of page…

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Foundry Monoline font

Foundry Monoline

  • Post author:The Foundrystaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Foundry Monoline is an elegant, modern typeface family eminently suited for use in identity, editorial, and advertising use. The deceptively simple design, and clean, linear appearance has been created using…

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Foundry Old Style font Foundry Origin font

Foundry Origin

Foundry Origin has an elemental quality hinting at its ‘Egyptian’ roots. Developed out of the desire to create a serif typeface with a difference, Foundry Origin's elegant design and versatile…

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Foundry Plek font

Foundry Plek

  • Post author:The Foundrystaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Foundry Plek and Foundry Flek are created on the same dot matrix grid system.Each family includes: light, regular, medium and bold weights – with a selection of dot patterns that…

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Foundry Sans font

Foundry Sans

This humanistic sans serif design was inspired by a conversation that David Quay had with renowned type designer Hans Meyer, during ATypI in Paris, 1989. Meyer revealed that Sabon, designed…

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Foundry Sterling font