Figgins Standard

To meet the burgeoning demands of commerce, type founders in 1830s London introduced a plethora of new fonts which abandoned the traditional nib-informed model. Most radical were bold, capital-only designs…

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Gambado font


  • Post author:Shinntypestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

‘Bounced’ is the technical (!) term for a higgledy-piggledy style of lettering in which characters are shaken up by a combination of rotation and vertical displacement from the presumed norm…

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Goodchild Pro font

Goodchild Pro

Goodchild Pro is a pragmatic text face, equipped for sophisticated academic typography. The face has a large x-height, as there is little point in adding to the stock of rangy…

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Handsome font Morphica font


This critique of the utilitarian is a perverse and disjunctive mash-up of thematic devices: sans mixed with serif, stroke contrast applied to techno armature, body parts displaced and elided. We…

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Naiad font Neology font


  • Post author:Shinntypestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

To see the “auto-mix” effect, go to the Webfont page. This typeface has been designed to demonstrate a hypothesis: consistency in letter form and style is not essential to fluent…

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Nicholas font


Nicholas is a headline version of Goodchild, Shinntype’s version of Jenson. It has been specially modified with very fine details and an ultra-tight fit for headlines that really get noticed.

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Panoptica font Paradigm font


Originally released in 1995 as a three font family, Paradigm forcefully addressed the emaciating effect that digitization was then exerting upon traditional serifed typography. Investigating the new media of a…

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