
The inspiration for Jeeves came from Leslie Carbarga's wonderful book LETTERHEADS, One Hundred Years of Great Design, 1850-1950. It was based on a secondary type usage for the letterhead for…

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Jolly Roger font Jubilee font


Jubilee is a glyphic font family with moderate stress, slightly inclined serifs, and storied history. Its original design was created in 1934 by famous English type designer Eric Gill for…

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Karnak Pro font Keyboard font Kingsley font


Designed by Les Usherwood. Digitally engineered by Steve Jackaman. This beautiful recreation by Les of the Frederick Goudy typeface, Kennerley Old Style, circa 1911-24, may be superior to any other.

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Kingsrow font


Designed by Les Usherwood. Digitally engineered by Steve Jackaman. Unofficially named ‘No Frills’ in the early stages of development, his widow Elsie decided that it would be called Kingsrow.

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Leighton font


Leighton is a four-weight serif font family that was created in 1993 by Paul Hickson (P&P Hickson) and Steve Jackaman (ITF) exclusively for ITF’s Red Rooster Collection. Its designs are…

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Lesmore font Lodestone Pro font