• Post author:Font Dinerstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

When its gotta be urgent, send a WARNING! This retro stencil font is just the ticket to ward off any would-be troublemakers up to any shenanigans.

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Clear Prairie Dawn font Clear Prairie Ornaments font Farquharson font


Farquharson is an all-caps display face, adapted from an early American woodtype, and designed especially for use in the book Charlie Farquharson’s Unyverse. The complete family consists of two fonts:…

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Kubrick font


Kubrick is an experiment in extremes. The Light font is very tall and slender, the Black font is very massive, and Kubrick's slender counters push some of its glyphs to…

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My Aunt Celia font

My Aunt Celia

My Aunt Celia was designed as a quaint, quasi-elegant display face using caps and small caps. The family consists of two fonts: regular and alternate which, between them, provide many…

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Ratcaps font


Ratcaps and Ratkeys were designed as a set of highly-legible keycap fonts for use in software and systems documentation destined for in-house printing. They were specifically designed for clarity and…

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Ratkeys font


Ratcaps and Ratkeys were designed as a set of highly-legible keycap fonts for use in software and systems documentation destined for in-house printing. They were specifically designed for clarity and…

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Spike font


Spike was designed as a Latin type family, with the characteristic triangular serifs, but with more character and range of weights than the more common latin faces available. Designed as…

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Toronto Subway font

Toronto Subway

Toronto Subway is based on the lettering originally used for station identification and signs by the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) in the Toronto, Canada, subway system. The first subway line…

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