
My first font for the summer of 2009, Abrect is a new sans serif font where I try to maximize the x-height and keep the design fresh and personal. It…

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Abwyn font


Abwyn is a sparkly Art Deco construction. The little diamonds in the vertical strokes add a lightness that is very pleasing to the eye in display sizes: Lower case numbers,…

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Acadami font


Acadami is an experiment toward what will hopefully be my masterwork (probably named Hackberry). It's also the font used as I get used to FontLab 5. The serifs are stronger…

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Adieu font


Adieu is an old-fashioned display font traced and modified from a group of Victorian fonts. It is very stylized, but it is very attractive to many of my clients.

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Adieu Two Pro font Aerle font AeroScript font AggressIan font


AggressIan is the release of the first font I ever drew. It was done by hand with triangle and parallel rule back in the mid-1980s. I originally called it Aggressor,…

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Akme font


Akme is a sans serif with an industrial feel. However, it has many whimsical features like the spiral O, many special dingbats for bullets, and so on. It has oldstyle…

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Akme Pro font