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What was the inspiration for designing the font? Parks and nature. What are its main characteristics and features? Wooden, Children, kids. Usage recommendations: in advertisement for parks, for animation films,…

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Manuscrita font


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What was the inspiration for designing the font? Spanish script from 16th Century. What are its main characteristics and features? Handwriting. Usage recommendations: Literature books.

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Celtiberica font


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What was the inspiration for designing the font? Ancient script from Celtiberian culture. What are its main characteristics and features? Very ancient scripts in lead or bronze. Usage recommendations: As…

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Dura font Manuscrita XVI font Giglio Rosso font

Giglio Rosso

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Giglio Rosso is a decorative typeface with a floral design. The font is named giglio rosso, “red lily,” because it is inspired by the symbol of Florence.

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PictiFont Symbols – Calendar font PictiFont – Thin font PictiFont Symbols –  On The Beach font Xcetera font


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Work for the Xcetera typeface started with the desire to create a classical serif design but using the less contrasted stroke thickness found in a host of sans serif designs.…

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