Vivala Black font Vivala Sans Round font Vivala G Slab font Fedorro font


  • Post author:Leeza Chepugovastaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

We are proud to present to you our new Latin+Cyrillic font Fedorro!Fedorro typeface is a classy example of a modern Ukrainian style of type design. It is inspired by traditional…

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Vivala bl font

Vivala bl

"Vivala bl" is particularly suitable for decorative typesetting. The blackletter typeface includes as a complement to the ornamental style also five narrow styles. It comes with various contextual alternates and…

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Vivala Pix font Richmond font Iso Metrix NF font

Iso Metrix NF

  • Post author:Nick's Fontsstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

This typeface takes most of its design cues from Isonorm, developed by the International Standards Organisation in Switzerland in 1980. In this version, the overall design has been homogenized to…

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Benicia font


Benicia is serif typeface. It reflects my ongoing fascination with the Golden Type/ATF Jenson design genre of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Designed for display, it also works…

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