
  • Post author:Typodermicstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Mexcellent is a tri-linear stripe font. You can combine layers to create interesting color effects. Mexcellent Regular was designed with tighter spacing & vertical metrics than the other layers. If…

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Mexborough font Mevada SRF font Metroscript font


Michael Doret had been doing lettering in styles similar to Metroscript in his design work for many years, but with the advent of OpenType technology he realized that he could…

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Metropolitaines FS font Metropolis CT font

Metropolis CT

Metropolis Bold was commissioned by Publish magazine for their 1990 redesign. Although other digital versions exist, I think this was the first one and is characterized by extremely pointy serifs.…

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Metropole Duo font Metroplex Pro Wide font Metroflex Pro Uni font Metroflex Pro Narrow font