Obvia Wide font

Obvia Wide

'Obvia' appeared as a result of direct observation on typefaces classified as geometric and the plan to explore for the first time width axes Condensed, Narrow (soon), Normal and new…

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Obvia Expanded font Obvia font


Obvia, a geohumanist type for all media. Obvia appeared as a result of direct observation on typefaces classified as geometric and the plan to explore for the first time width…

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Obstacle font Observant font Obrigado font Oboe font


  • Post author:Gravitonstaff
  • Post category:math

Oboe font family has been designed for Graviton Font Foundry by Pablo Balcells in 2012. It is display typeface with a geometric rounded look. Oboe consists of 6 styles, 2…

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Obnoxious Tie font Oblong font