P22 Spiggie font P22 Speyside font

P22 Speyside

Speyside is a round, curved and controlled sans serif with an additional set of decorated uppercase letters, initials and small caps. It's appropriate for text, titling and display. The origin…

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P22 Sniplash font

P22 Sniplash

Sniplash is a lively font inspired by cartoons and comics of the 1960s and '70s. Casual and organic, this font features curly lines and irregular weights in Regular, Light and…

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P22 Sneaky font P22 Slogan font

P22 Slogan

  • Post author:IHOFstaff
  • Post category:script

P22 Slogan is a non-connecting script font that captures the essence of the lettering used in 1950s European advertising. Bold strokes of this brush-drawn face make this design a great…

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P22 Shibumi font

P22 Shibumi

Shibumi is a brush-titling face that has an "Eastern" feel. It was designed with a Speedball B (round nib [heavily manipulated]). Its sheer weight exudes authority while the Eastern influence…

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P22 Salon font

P22 Salon

P22 Salon was originally inspired by Art Nouveau lettering. In the development of the three fonts (P22 Salon Full, P22 Salon Inner and P22 Salon Shadow) they began taking on…

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P22 Saarinen font

P22 Saarinen

  • Post author:IHOFstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

P22 Saarinen is a typeface based on the architectural lettering of Finnish American architect Eero Saarinen.The Saarinen fonts were created to help commemorate the 75th anniversary of Kleinhans Music Hall…

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P22 Ruthie font