Refuel font


  • Post author:Typodermicstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Refuel is an an octagonal technical typeface fueled by military aircraft markings. It includes 6 weights, 6 widths and italics. When the capital I is followed by a lowercase L,…

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Refrigerator font Refresh font


Refresh was inspired and partly based on handwritten text from advertisements for a popular cola-based soft drink from the 1950s. I designed the missing characters in the handwriting style of…

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Refren font Reformer font Reflex font Refinery Stencil JNL font Refinery font


Refinery is the newest font in the Evanston Collection of square typefaces. With a similar capital structure to Tavern and Alehouse, Refinery includes both lowercase and small caps, making it an…

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Referenz Grotesk font