Sharpy font


  • Post author:Typadelicstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

As its name implies, sharpy appears as if written with a fine-point marker. As with most Typadelic fonts, sharpy is warm and friendly and works well at small and large…

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Sharon Baker font Sharka font Shareholder JNL font Shapiro Pro font Shapiro Base font Shapiro font


  • Post author:OGJ Type Designstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

On the basis of the classical form, Shapiro meets all the requirements that are placed on a good font, such as good readability and a sympathetic overall impression. Shapiro boasts…

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Shapely font


Shapely is designed with elements of classical calligraphy expressed in a very modern idiom. It embodies the Scholtz signature - casual, extravagant, bold design with an underlying attention to detail…

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Shapa JY font