
And now something completely different. Keks has broken elements like a blackletter typeface, but the actual forms are roman. That keeps it very legible although there is no curve at…

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Konsens font


Germany has a strong heritage of industrial typefaces. These fonts seem like being constructed by engineers. The shapes seem to be built with circles and squares. DIN Mittelschrift is one…

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KonsensSten font Madita font


Madita started with the idea of an upright sans script. Unlike other script typefaces, some of the characters look fairly constructed. The endings are either vertical or horizontal. On the…

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Matrona font


When letterpress started with the Gutenberg Bible, the typeface was like a texture. Before humanism, type did not really need to be legible. The letters were rather drawn in an…

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Milk font Mommie font MommieBrush font Motora Sans font Narziss font


Since Mommie I gradually got more into swirly ornaments. The massive contrast in the neoclassic style is perfect for thin swirly extensions to the characters. Even in an upright typeface.…

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