Aire font


Aire is what Sproviero would call a < big display family >. We recommend seeing its user’s guide. After his success with Reina, Sproviero comes out with this big family…

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Beatle font


What if Platt R. Spencer and Charles P. Zaner were born in mid-20th Century? What if instead of Beethoven or Chopin they were fan of The Beatles or maybe The…

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Bird Script font

Bird Script

Characterized by quickness, lightness, and ease of movement, Bird Script is a font which challenges many aspects of type-design: every single stroke, comes directly from the author’s hand and tries…

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Brand font


Jam jars; Warhol’s “Tomato Soup”; chalk lettering and baseball. Those were the triggers to make this soft chancery cursive turned into a script font. Brand is thought mainly for packaging…

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Breathe Neue font Burger font Devil Kalligraphy font Dream Script font Elipses font