Symposium Pro font Tabarnak font


  • Post author:Canada Typestaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Tabarnak started out as an assessment and correction of an old concept by George Wilkens. The original idea was for a bold upright alphabet reminiscent of Oz Cooper’s work, but…

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Taboo font


Taboo is a versatile font family inspired by the magnificent geometric experiments made by Armenian lettering artist Fred Africkian during the late 1970s. Virtually unknown in the west, Africkian was…

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Teaspoon font


Teaspoon was originally designed by Haley Fiege as a project-specific font in 2007, then completed and produced by Canada Type for commercial viability in 2008. With a personality that can…

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Testament font


From the standpoint of calligraphy, a font family of capitals and uncials makes perfect sense. The Roman square capitals, the quadrata, are matched by round capitals of older Greek origin;…

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Tomato font


Tomato is the digitization and quite elaborate expansion of an early 1970s Franklin Photolettering film type called Viola Flare. This typeface is an obvious child of funk, the audio-visual revolution…

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Torquemada font Totemic font


Jim Rimmer’s first typeface was originally published in 1970 as a basic film type alphabet through a small, independent type house in central California. Its sources of influence (now calligraphic…

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Treasury font


The Treasury script waited over 130 years to be digitized, and the Canada Type crew is very proud to have done the honors. And then some. After seven months of…

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