Addressotype Slab
Addressotype Slab is the serifed cousin to Addressotype, a constructed, streamlined gaspipe design with gently rounded forms. Perfect for getting the right vintage look, but also solid on its own…
Addressotype is based on lettering from a vintage ad for the Addressograph-Multigraph Corporation, manufacturers of the Addressograph addressing machine. In days when the U.S. postal service delivered everything, mailing addresses…
Addlethorpe is a metal typeface in three layers.Addlethorpe 1 is the foreground layer. If you’re using Addlethorpe on a light background, this may be all you need.Addlethorpe 2 is a…
Adantine offers the opportunity to bring Victorian Elegance and Character to modern design work. It is inspired by the hand-lettered captions often seen on old sepia-toned postcards, but also has…