PF Hellenica Pro font

PF Hellenica Pro

The Golden Age of the Greek Civilization. The world’s history carved on stone. Hellenica Pro was created based on numerous photos from archaeological sites and several other historical references dating…

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PF Isotext Pro font

PF Isotext Pro

This typeface is based on ISO 3098, a technical documentation issued in 1974 by ISO (International Organization for Standardization), which proposed a set of characters for use on technical drawings…

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PF Kids Pro font

PF Kids Pro

This is not just a typeface inspired by a kid’s first attempts to write. This is in fact how exactly a kid writes. Alexandros Papalexis was born again kid when…

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PF Libera Pro font PF Lindemann Sans font

PF Lindemann Sans

Lindemann Sans is an immediately-inviting typeface with a pleasing distinct visual voice grounded by geometry and golden proportions. This modern geometric san serif typeface serves the interpretive needs of modern…

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PF Mellon font

PF Mellon

PF Mellon is a modernist variable grotesque with mixed roots. Its unconventional aesthetic is the product of an exploration into the art of emphasizing titles, headlines and text in captivating…

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PF Monumenta Pro font PF Nuyork Arabic font

PF Nuyork Arabic

Nuyork Arabic was designed to emphasize on the individual Arabic letter visual traditional characteristics. Including 5 weights, it was designed with both text and display applications in mind. This font…

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PF Occula font

PF Occula

Occula on Behance. Occula: Specimen Manual PDF. Occula is an exploration into high-legibility type although it’s not an effort to design the ultimate typeface in terms of economy and legibility.…

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