AS Naya font AS Libero font AS Lax font Arya Rounded font Arya font


Arya is a display typeface, based on Roman proportions. It has three versions, differentiated by the amount of the drawn lines. Single is solid. Double is sturdy but light. Triple…

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Arx font


  • Post author:Superfriedstaff
  • Post category:Uncategorized

Arx by Superfried is an elegant and intricate display typeface designed for use at large scale. Its Latin name - meaning citadel - connects with the classical features, whilst the…

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Arventa Slab Pro font Arventa Sans PRO font Arvada JNL font

Arvada JNL

Arvada JNL is Jeff Levine's interpretation of a classic wood type font. Bold, brash and best at large point sizes, this font design also blends well with sports-themed projects.

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